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Klaus是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全 - 911查询
来自 : danci.911cha.com/Klaus.html 发布时间:2021-03-24
Klaus是什么意思 Klaus在线翻译 Klaus什么意思 Klaus的意思 Klaus的翻译 Klaus的解释 Klaus的发音 Klaus的同义词 Klaus的反义词 Klaus的例句 Klaus[klaus] Klaus 基本解释



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1. 克劳斯:(3)克劳斯(Klaus)高度指数:在颅骨侧位片上,先自蝶鞍后床突至枕内粗隆连线,再由齿突尖向该线作一垂直线,此垂直线即代表后颅窝的深度(图1 - 39). 在正常情况下,其长度在35mm以上(平均为44 ~ 45 mm若缩小至30 ~ 34mm则为I度颅底凹陷,

2. 克勞司:Klad 克拉德護甲 | Klaus 克勞司 | Klesel the Blademaster 大劍師克里賽爾

3. 世卫全球流感计划主管斯托尔:桥咀洲 Kiu Tsui Chau/Sharp Island | 世卫全球流感计划主管斯托尔 Klaus | 荷兰航空公司 KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

4. (男)克劳斯:Klara (女)克拉拉 | Klaus (男)克劳斯 | Klee 克勒

Klaus 双语例句

1. Klaus will play a key role in leading our corporate growth and decision making on the exploration programs overall focus.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. You can barely recognize Klaus - but it\'s him!

3. Klaus什么意思

3. But Klaus wasn\'t the sort to think on the surface of anything.

4. Don\'t look at me. pretend you\'re talking to klaus


6. Klaus在线翻译

6. Klaus Baudelaire: How could they do this to us?

7. Klaus says many of the children and women are homeless.

8. Klaus Berning, the previous Board Member Sales and Marketing, is leaving the Company with immediate effect at his own request.
Klaus Berning),成为销售与市场部门的新一任决策者,此决议立即生效。

9. The younger generation in mature markets is reluctant to buy cars, especially in Europe and Japan, says Klaus Paur, of TNS Auto in Shanghai.
成熟市场的较年轻一代不愿购买汽车,尤其是在欧洲和日本,汽车咨询公司TNS Auto上海办事处的包亦农表示。

10. Klaus Paur, of TNS automotive consultancy, said: ldquo; This is a short cut for Geely to get access to world-class technology and mature auto markets. rdquo

11. Klaus

11. Last month, an aspiring executive director of a nonprofit group in suburban San Francisco nearly jeopardized his selection because his reply to a variation of the weakness question ignored one of its core values, according to Ms. Klaus, a board member there.

12. We will retain the very successful logo and the lovable mascot Karli in Aachen, Klaus Pavel stated.
我们将把非常成功的标志和可爱的吉祥物卡尔里保留在亚琛 Klaus Pavel 宣布。

13. Vaclav Klaus has been one of the most vocal and most vociferous opponents of the EU\'s Lisbon Treaty, but on Tuesday he gave up the fight.

14. Klaus什么意思

14. That is the forecast according to new calculations by a pair of astronomers, Klaus-Peter Schroeder of the University of Guanajuato in Mexico and Robert Connon Smith of the University of Sussex in England.

15. Klaus的解释

15. Well yes – Niels van Hemert reports from Barcelona where Gregor Lersch and Klaus Wagener wowed the 2000 strong audience at Eurofllorist\'s birthday bash!

16. 911查询·英语单词

16. Klaus Union has more than 50 years experience in development, construction, production and application of magnet drive pumps and chemical valves.

17. The team has translated all of Thomas Schaaf and Klaus Allofs\'instructions and tactics into results.

18. Bremen\'s sporting director, Klaus Allofs, explained: I made it quite clear to him that it was our final offer and that we would not improve it.
布莱梅队运动主管Klaus Allofs解释说:我已经给他说的很清楚了,这就是我们给他的最新的合同,我们不会再改进他了。

19. Klaus的近义词

19. Klaus Allofs: We\'ve played top class football in the last few weeks, especially our last few away games, and that gave us the stability and confidence to come here looking for a result.

20. \\u0064\\u0061\\u006E\\u0063\\u0069\\u002E\\u0039\\u0031\\u0031\\u0063\\u0068\\u0061\\u002E\\u0063\\u006F\\u006D

20. Klaus, Section Shi - is one of Europe\'s architectural authority, and in many countries have his classic designs.

Klaus 单语例句

1. The only obstacle to Klaus\'s signature is now a legal challenge by Czech senators, which the country\'s constitutional court is expected to dismiss on Tuesday.

2. And Czech President Vaclav Klaus warned that Kosovo\'s independence could unleash a domino affect in Europe.

3. The Green Davos concept was suggested by WEF\'s Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab, who said energy saving and environmental protection remained dominant themes of world economic development.

4. Klaus will also meet Polish President Lech Kaczynski in Prague on Thursday to exchange views on the gas conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

5. \" The impact of the economic slowdown is difficult to quantify, \" Chief Executive Officer Klaus Herms said.

6. Klaus said that was a \" mistaken assumption \" and it was impossible to prevent future crises through regulatory interventions and similar actions by governments.

7. Klaus Ziegler\'s Quality Partnerships aims to help secure quality licenses for small and medium companies from Europe to get into the Chinese market.

8. Chief Executive Officer Klaus Kleinfeld on Tuesday said European aluminum demand will decline 13 percent in the second half from the first.

9. China Philharmonic Orchestra will stage a concert, conducted by Klaus Weise.

10. He took over from Klaus Kleinfeld, who left amid allegations employees bribed clients to win contracts.

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本文链接: http://klaus.immuno-online.com/view-684584.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)
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